July 27, 2024


Bahamas: Participant Comments
August 5, 2006

Bolivia: Participant Comments
August 1, 2006

Ethiopia: Participant Comments
July 22, 2006

Cameroon Is Spiritually Bankrupt
The Post Online (Cameroon)
July 24, 2006

Zambia: Politicians Must Make Peace
The Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation

Welcome to Zagreb, Dr. Moon!
Dr. Marko Tarle, Council Member-The Council of Healthcare Advisors
Zagreb, Croatia
July 10, 2006

Jordan: Peace Activist Takes on Armed Conflict, World Cup Soccer (Middle East Times)
July 5, 2006

An Aura of Peace
Jean-Luc Faure, Ambassador for Peace, German Pentecostal Minister
July 2, 2006. Poland

Mobilization in Poland to Welcome True Mother
Beatrice Clyburn
July 2, 2006. Poland

Austria : Peace Activist Denied Entry (APA-OTS)
June 30, 2006


Tour II 2006 Speeches
God’s Ideal Family and the Kingdom of the Peaceful, Ideal World
God's Model Ideal Family and Nation, and the Peace Kingdom
The True Owners in Establishing the Kingdom of Peace and Unity in Heaven and on Earth
Mongolian Peoples’ Federation for World Peace: Universal Values, Best Practices and World Peace
The Rally of the Association of Unified Korean Clans to Save the Homeland of Universal Peace
Chairman's Address




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