March 12, 2025

Flag of CroatiaWelcome to Zagreb, Dr. Moon!

Dr. Marko Tarle, Council Member-The Council of Healthcare Advisors
Zagreb, Croatia
July 10, 2006

It is both an honor to greet you and a privilege to have the opportunity to address you in behalf of Croatian Ambassadors for Peace. With your permission I would like to continue in the Croatian language since the majority of people attending this event are of Croatian mother tongue

Dear friends, we assemble here to welcome Mrs. Moon whom we used to call our spiritual mother. We particularly highly recognize and appreciate the noble efforts of Mrs. and Reverend Moon, the Founders of Universal Peace Federation and I ask you for the welcome applause to Mrs. Moon as an expression of our best wishes for her pleasant stay here in Zagreb. Thank you.

Our endeavors are not mere declaratory longings or wishful thinking. We have already achieved some considerable accomplishments, and we are proud of the fact. Lasting peace is not that easy to achieve, considering the long history of mankind as the chronology of wars, miseries and bloodsheds. The Universal Peace Federation calls attention to several prerequisites that are essential for the fulfillment of the global peace and I will refer just to a few:

A Happy family is an unprecedented school of true love and a major requirement for the completion of a happier life. These days, the Croatian Catholic Church talks a lot about the endangerment of our family. We know for a long time this is neither a national nor a regional problem but is a complex global issue that needs a worldwide approach and a number of precise strategies. It can not be cured locally since many new destructive provocations are repeatedly imported from abroad. UPF advocates from the very beginning global planning in promoting a true love concept within the three generation family.

Life for the sake of others separates every person from selfishness, egoism and narcissism and accepts the old Golden Rule as a superior commandment of life.

Interreligious dialogue is crucial for the world peace since the abuse of religion(s) by politicians and churches in the past and even nowadays leads to bloody fights between people, even those who share the same lineage. We must work to break down all the barriers that divide people and are based on race, faith, civilization, politics and culture.

Character Education is the major necessity for human happiness and appears to be in this respect much more important than it is professional education. It leads to the healthy and happy lifestyle, it is the prerequisite for familial joyfulness and tranquility, and it leads to the love for every human being and even for the worst enemy.

Reform of The United Nations which has played an important role in international politics during last sixty years while accomplishing many important tasks. However, the world is approaching the turning point in several different respects and many people believe that the organization needs a major reshuffling. The UN remodeling should involve the foundation of the Spiritual Council both as a counterpart and a corrective of the Security Council. The initiative for such a crucial move came from our Founders a few years ago.

Our Croatian nation suffered so much during the war that ended a decade ago that perhaps we seek lasting peace more than other societies fortunately lacking such terrible experiences. We Croats are of a strong desire for a peaceful and joyful life being well aware that the peace in our region is tightly related to the peace all over the world. That’s why we would like to take part in peace-seeking efforts led by our Founders. Their good deeds were approved from Palestine and Korea to Africa and Eurasia and their approach and programs were found to be effective and promising.

Our Founders can not change the world only by themselves and complete their beliefs and visions of the world in peace. They need all of us, every person, the whole mankind. We are here the pioneers of the wave of ideas that should be spread throughout the world in a system of concentric circles. It is our assignment to spread the word!


Tour II 2006 Speeches
God’s Ideal Family and the Kingdom of the Peaceful, Ideal World
God's Model Ideal Family and Nation, and the Peace Kingdom
The True Owners in Establishing the Kingdom of Peace and Unity in Heaven and on Earth
Mongolian Peoples’ Federation for World Peace: Universal Values, Best Practices and World Peace
The Rally of the Association of Unified Korean Clans to Save the Homeland of Universal Peace
Chairman's Address




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