March 26, 2025




Rev. Dr. Chung Hwan Kwak
Chairman, Universal Peace Federation

Tonight we are participating in the 180 Nation World Peace Tour to create God-centered families and to build a world of lasting peace. On behalf of True Father, Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon, this tour is being carried out by True Mother, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, their family, and key representatives of the Universal Peace Federation They will bring not only God’s word and Blessing, but also a challenge to each of us to awaken to a new level of spiritual awareness and to commit ourselves to living for the sake of others.

Please do not doubt that there is a living God, and a divine providence at work in history, leading all humanity to a world of lasting peace. Tonight’s meeting is directly linked to the guiding hand of God. Through the words we hear, we will learn of the root causes of human suffering and conflict, and of the true path to lasting peace. Our response to this message will affect not only our personal lives, it will even affect the course of history.

On September 12, 2005, responding to the call of God, Father Moon launched the Universal Peace Federation. On that foundation, at the age of 86, he carried God’s word, a message of peace, to 120 nations. He took up this task at the risk of his life.

Knowing the situation of this world, and knowing the suffering heart of God, the invisible True Parents of all humanity, Father Moon cannot rest. As True Father, he is absolutely committed to fulfilling God’s providence of restoration; that is, God’s providence to establish an eternal peace kingdom of true love. Until that ideal is fulfilled, he cannot rest.

Tonight, Mother Moon and her family will share God’s Word and Blessing of marriage and family. They do not stand before us externally, simply as eloquent speakers, but rather as representatives of the True Parents and the True Family, which has been God’s original ideal since the time of Adam and Eve. Through the Fall of Adam and Eve, the ideal of God-centered true love was corrupted. The murder of Abel by Cain was a direct outgrowth of the Fall of Adam and Eve. Through True Parents and True Family, the painful history of fallen humanity is being restored, beginning with God-centered families.

Through all of you gathered here this evening, God can bring His Blessing to the entire nation.  Ultimately all the citizens of America and the world are to receive the Blessing and be brought fully into God’s lineage and family of true love. This reality is more important than our national citizenship, even our racial or religious identity, for, ultimately, we are all members of one universal family of God, and citizens of His kingdom of cheonilguk.

The principle of living for the sake of others is the essential teaching of Father Moon, and of all the great religions. This principle guides the work of the Universal Peace Federation, and its global network of Ambassadors for Peace, God’s special envoys. Wearing only the helmets and armor of true love, these volunteers are now forming a “peace kingdom army” and a “peace kingdom corps.” They are actively working to protect the sacred value of families and to put an end to conflict worldwide.

God’s providence centers on the world’s religions, as they live up to their founding ideals and enter into harmonious and cooperative relations with one another. In turn, as religions also interact harmoniously with the family of nations, a worldwide “Abel realm” is established to advance God’s ideal of peace.

As its partner in building a world of peace, a worldwide “Cain realm” is being formed by the peoples of Mongolian descent from every corner of the world who are committed to living for the sake of others, in the position of restored elder sons of filial piety and attendance to Heaven’s will. This is the mission and purpose of the Mongolian Peoples’ Federation for World Peace. These two realms are cooperating to restore the conflict between Cain and Abel worldwide and, centering on UPF, they are leading the way in fulfilling God’s providence at this time.

Please pay serious attention to this evening’s program, for we are truly living at a providential turning point.  The long-awaited era of peace, the era after the coming of heaven, is here. Let today’s event mark a time for each one to make a new start and a new determination to go forward as the restored sons and daughters of God. May God bless you.  


Tour II 2006 Speeches
God’s Ideal Family and the Kingdom of the Peaceful, Ideal World
God's Model Ideal Family and Nation, and the Peace Kingdom
The True Owners in Establishing the Kingdom of Peace and Unity in Heaven and on Earth
Mongolian Peoples’ Federation for World Peace: Universal Values, Best Practices and World Peace
The Rally of the Association of Unified Korean Clans to Save the Homeland of Universal Peace
Chairman's Address




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