March 12, 2025

Flag of PolandMobilization in Poland to Welcome True Mother

Beatrice Clyburn
Warsaw, Poland
July 2, 2006

After the July 2 event in Warsaw, True Mother reported to True Father by phone,”It was a great, great success!” We are happy that we could bring joy to True Parents. We saw how happy True Mother was the following morning; she manifested it by asking different groups to sing, by singing herself, and by giving a monetary present to the young people, as grandmas do.

We could achieve something unimaginable in a country that has persecuted True Parents: a red-carpet welcome at the airport! When we found out that it was possible, many of us were moved to tears. We prayed hard, our national leader Marek Rudnik and elder brother Krzysztof Gago worked on it, and True Mother was welcomed as she should be. Why could we succeed? We united totally with the guidance given by Dr. Yong Cheol Song, regional chair of UPF-Europe.

We also set up an exhibit of our worldwide activities at the Nowy Swiat (New World!) exhibition hall. At the exhibit last year, 500 people made commitments to become Ambassadors for Peace. During recent months many of them received education and were now inspired to meet True Mother and to bring some friends as well.  

Our victory last year was due to the exhibition and to a substantial foundation of unity between Germany and Poland. This year we continued with the exhibition and built on the foundation of deep unity between these two former enemy nations. Again many Germans came, centered on their national leader, Fritz Piepenburg. As a Polish movement, we were very grateful to see them work, serve and offer themselves for True Mother’s victory.

Young people from various European nations were on the streets, inviting people to see the exhibit. Ayana and Janet Clyburn, along with other second-generation youth from Germany and Poland, brought students to the exhibit, working alongside their parents. Hosts explained the exhibit in the guests' language.

Again I was amazed at the power of the exhibit! This is the perfect way to introduce people to the Universal Peace Federation. Going through the panels and listening to the explanation, they gain great inspiration. Even though most of them had heard only negative reports about “Setka Moon,” they come out inspired, gaining a new understanding about Rev. Moon. This exhibit has given me great hope for working in an environment such as this.
One Japanese volunteer brought a retired army officer to the exhibit. He became so inspired that each morning at exactly 11:00 am he was waiting for us with another list of his friends to see the exhibit and learn about the Ambassadors for Peace program. His list totaled 75. On July 1, he organized a ceremony with his friends in which they received their appointments as Ambassadors for Peace.

All over Poland, people joined in offering fasts and prayer vigils to enlist spiritual support for people to come to the exhibit, understand its significance, and attend True Mother's speech. Mrs. Yoshida received all the prayer requests, and the prayer team prayed for everyone's concerns. We are a team, and it takes everyone’s effort and offering to bring the victory. All participated by doing the best they could. Our Polish-German-Japanese teamwork and our first-and-second generation teamwork touched the Polish people as we invited them to meet their True Parents and receive the blessing.

Dr. and Mrs. Song called this is our victory, not theirs. It is our great joy that we could make True Mother happy. In front of us is the challenge she gave us of “harvesting a wonderful fruit.”


Tour II 2006 Speeches
God’s Ideal Family and the Kingdom of the Peaceful, Ideal World
God's Model Ideal Family and Nation, and the Peace Kingdom
The True Owners in Establishing the Kingdom of Peace and Unity in Heaven and on Earth
Mongolian Peoples’ Federation for World Peace: Universal Values, Best Practices and World Peace
The Rally of the Association of Unified Korean Clans to Save the Homeland of Universal Peace
Chairman's Address




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