March 12, 2025

Flag of EthiopiaEthiopia: Participant Comments

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
July 22, 2006

Wow! It was wonderful to attend such a beautiful program.  This is my first time to hear and to attend the UPF, and I am very convinced about the ideals of UPF… I would like to become a member of UPF and to work for God’s ideal family and the peace kingdom so that I can make my family peaceful and happy…I want to study about the whole program of UPF and I need to know the whole history of the special person Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon.
F.K.,  Student

Really I am so much surprised and would like to extend my heart-felt thanks to the Universal Peace Federation and its organizers.  The only way to create peace in this world is by making harmony starting from individuals and families.  I have a great vision to cooperate with you and to work toward this objective in my area.
H.A., Central Health College instructor

Immensely inspirational based on fundamental truths – ‘God’, ‘love’ and ‘family’.   Ethiopia’s youth are in crisis, in a state of hopelessness.  That is why I started my organization for youth…I would welcome the opportunity of learning and working with UPF…
A.A., Program Director, Youth Rehabilitation 20/20 Ethiopia.

I would like to express my deepest gratitude and appreciation for the founder of this precious organization Dr. Moon, and for those who are working day and night for universal peace in the organization and beyond that.  The Universal Peace Federation has a great mission and vision to peace to the whole world in general and to each family individually.  May God be pleased with this vision and mission, and may He change the mind of all political and religious leaders to think every day for peace, for their nation as well as for the whole world, and also may God create His own military who fight every time anywhere for universal peace, Amen!
A.T.A., University student

I would like to recommend that this type of program should be expanded to the grassroots level of the people.
A.G.,  Member of Parliament (House of People’s Representatives)

This is the most important event that I have ever attended.  It is only through such teachings and God’s blessings that our physical earth can be peaceful.  Our earth is only our tunnel for true love and peaceful coexistence.  Such teachings should be extended to every corner of the world.
D.K., Assistant Professor

This program is highly valuable and important for making peace in our world.  After this event, I will give unlimited respect and love to my wife and daughter…I understand that peace is the most important concern in our world and for UPF.  I will be an ambassador for this institution. God bless this federation.
A.A.G., Member of Parliament

You really feel the heart of God, His sorrows and His original positions.  The world must cooperate with UPF.

The ideals of the Universal Peace Federation will certainly bring world peace in the long run…I have come to know that true love is the basis for ideal family.  The peace movement of UPF is the most necessary initiative to bring world peace.
B.B., Instructor

I have gotten new ideas about family, peace and God.  I am eager to know more about UPF and its objectives, so that I can contribute my part as a human being.  I hope that you will contact me soon.
M.F., Management Instructor

I think this is the time to talk about peace, because our world is suffering due to lack of peace. Dear Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon – God bless you and your family for organizing this type of ceremony to stimulate each of us toward peace.
Dr. B.Z., Orthopedic surgeon

I have attended this special, and first of its kind, event with my wife.  I came to understand the real meaning of peace and a good family.  I appreciate the efforts of Rev. and Mrs. Moon and their family in creating understanding, accommodation and tolerance among people of different cultures, religions and backgrounds to create world peace and peace within families.  It is my pleasure to work and support this blessed mission of UPF to the best of my ability.
S.T., Deputy bureau head

This is the day that every one will remember for the rest of our lives.  I believe it takes a lot of courage, effort and dedication to live for others, and that’s what you are doing.  God bless you for that.
H.A., Miss World Ethiopia 2003

I am very happy to participate in this event, and really hope for the success of the dream of Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon.  To make this noble aim a success, we should support and participate with the federation not only here, but all over the world.  Especially the leaders of nations should accept the aims of the Federation.
A.M.B., Member of Parliament

I was very impressed by this program.  I would like to be the best peace ambassador. I am born to be a peace ambassador and reconciler. I would like to participate actively in this holy mission.
Y.T., agro-chemical expert

It was great to see the real mother presenting a speech to our nation on the ideal family.  I was also happy about the Blessing and all presentations.  It is true that the Universal Peace Federation is succeeding in its endeavor.
E.N., technician

Wow!  I have no idea how to express my feeling for this day.  Today is unique in my life.  I saw a great program with beautiful people.
S.T., student

Allow me first to extend my heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to Father Moon and Mother Moon, founders of UPF.  In the hall , I feel like the world has become one, all evils are destroyed and peace prevailed.  I wish this is also true when I walk out of this hall.
A,K,, Deputy General Manager of NGO

Always when I am hearing about UPF's foundation and the messages from the Founder, my heart fills with joy and happiness... For the next time, I do not want to miss any occasion.  I want to be an active member of UPF.  My wife also wants to be a member of UPF as soon as possible.
S.W. - Teacher

The turnout was one of the biggest I have seen, which demonstrates that Ethiopians are peace lovers.  All the presentations were good because they enhanced our love and insight of peace.  We pray for the long life filled with excellent health for Dr. Sun Myung Moon and his beloved family members.  Peace to all of us!
H.R. – Managing Director

This program inspired me a lot in a way that I have to untap every potential and commitment I have for peace.  This helped me to learn that this world is a great university, and God’s great school in which everything is trying to teach us its own lesson, from the cradle to the grave… Thank you for being here in Ethiopia and giving a new start for peace…so that we can create a bright future for the coming generations by fulfilling the will of God and His word. Amen!
T.B. – Project Coordinator

UPF has succeeded in bringing Christian and Muslim leaders to embrace each other as a significant sign to endorse your mission.  Also the fact that many came to attend is a witness to the support of your mission, which is the dream of humanity.
A.T. – Secretary General

It is amazing to see such initiation, great dedication and courageous mission to fulfill God’s objectives and plan.  I am really pleased and honored to find such kind of people (the Founders) who have wonderfully gathered people to bring true peace. I believe and agree with the idea of UPF that true peace for the whole world will come through God only.  World peace can only be possible if all of us come to one idea, mind and will through the love of God… I totally agree to the mission plan and activities of UPF.  I will pray for UPF and also I would truly need and desire to be part of such a mission…Consider me an active and true volunteer for the fulfillment of the mission, plans and objectives of UPF.  Let me be pat of your blessed and holy race towards bringing true world peace.
A.S.L. -  Attorney

The Universal Peace Federation address gave me a great pleasure… I had been a Member of Parliament for ten years.  Now I became the International Relations and Public Relations officer in the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.  Peace, democracy and development are the motto of our people… I hope such kind of ceremonies as the one today will continue in our country.
W.D.D. – Head of International Relations –
Authority for Research and Conservation of Cultural Heritage

Tour II 2006 Speeches
God’s Ideal Family and the Kingdom of the Peaceful, Ideal World
God's Model Ideal Family and Nation, and the Peace Kingdom
The True Owners in Establishing the Kingdom of Peace and Unity in Heaven and on Earth
Mongolian Peoples’ Federation for World Peace: Universal Values, Best Practices and World Peace
The Rally of the Association of Unified Korean Clans to Save the Homeland of Universal Peace
Chairman's Address




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