March 29, 2025

Flag of ZambiaZambia: Former President Welcomes Tour

Dr. Thomas G. Walsh, UPF Secretary General
Lusaka, Zambia
July 26, 2006

The tour party arrived mid-day in Zambia after flying about 4 hours from Cameroon, and were welcomed at the airport by former President Kenneth Kaunda, a key founding father of modern, post-colonial Africa, and former Vice President Zulu, and former PM Gen. Malimba Masheke, and others.

The Main Event was held at the Mulungushi International Conference Center, which was packed from two hours prior to the official opening of the event.  God’s word  was presented beautifully and very effectively to 1000 people.

Former Prime Minister Masheke:

I cannot measure the benefit of Mother Moon’s visit to Zambia. Such a very , very tremendous blessing. When we look around the world from the Middle East to Korea, we see the conflict and struggle, and can see how important is the message we received.

Rev. Sakala, Former Human Rights Chairman for Zambia:

At the event I happened to sit next to a person who asked me, “What is is about these people that makes them so special and so attractive?”   I took the opportunity to share my experience beginning with the IIFWP Assembly in New York in 2000, where I met not only people from every African nation, but people of all nations and every religion.  I explained that UPF address the core root issues. Likewise the issues and points made in the speeches of Mother Moon and her son are the core root issues that we need to understand and which can bring us all together. 

Professor M. Beele, University of Zambia, Deputy Vice Chancellor: 

The message we heard was so profound, striking at the heart. One of my colleagues asked me, “What are you going to that event?”  I said, “This is the UPF.  I cannot effectively understand and  relate to and address the critical issues  facing the youth of today’s world, the students at my university, without the benefit of UPF’s vision. What was said today is so important. Father Moon truly has the correct formula for peace.  I have been active with this movement since my 1984 when I joined PWPA.

Evangelist Esther Odeani, United Church of Zambia:

This has been such a great day.  Jesus spoke continually about peace. Through Father and Mother Moon we can achieve peace. Through UPF we rediscover our true selves.  



Tour II 2006 Speeches
God’s Ideal Family and the Kingdom of the Peaceful, Ideal World
God's Model Ideal Family and Nation, and the Peace Kingdom
The True Owners in Establishing the Kingdom of Peace and Unity in Heaven and on Earth
Mongolian Peoples’ Federation for World Peace: Universal Values, Best Practices and World Peace
The Rally of the Association of Unified Korean Clans to Save the Homeland of Universal Peace
Chairman's Address




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