March 25, 2025

Flag of NepalNepal: The Peace Tour Visit

Rev. Ek Nath Dhakal, UPF-Nepal
Kathmandu, Nepal
June 1, 2006

On June 1, 2006 the whole nation was prepared to receive Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon and Hyun Jin Moon in Kathmandu, Nepal for the Peace Tour. A 340-member national preparatory committee was formed under the chairmanship of Rt. Hon. Subash Chandra Nembang, Speaker of the House of Representatives, with two co-chairs: Hon. Chitralekha Yadav, Deputy Speaker, and Dr. Suresh Raj Sharma, Vice Chancellor of Kathmandu University. Rev. Ek Nath Dhakal served as secretary general, with forty subcommittees to prepare the visit more effectively.

Hundreds of welcome banners with photos of our expected speakers decorated the city, with four Welcome Gates. A documentary about Mother Moon and Hyun Jin's world peace tour was shown on Nepal Television and Image Channel. Many articles also were published in different newspapers, giving wide media coverage of the event to all people of Nepal.

A delegation of dignitaries consisting of Hon. Chitralekha Yadav; Hon. Ramesh Lekhak, State Minister; Hon. Dharma Nath Shaha, State Minister; Hon. Tanka Prasad Rai, Member of Parliament and others welcomed Dr. Moon and her entourage with a floral bouquet at the VIP lounge in Tribhuvan International Airport. Two Mercedes provided by the foreign ministry to carry the guests were accompanied by police escort to Hyatt Regency Hotel.

Six thousand young people lined the streets for miles, providing a grand welcome with flags of Nepal and South Korea. The environment felt very alive and warm as they greeted people with an embracing hand. More flowers were offered as they entered their presidential suite.

Later that afternoon, after a lunch and briefing session, Mother Moon and Hyun Jin arrived at Birendra International Convention Centre to greet the assembled dignitaries including the Speaker, Deputy Speaker, the Ambassador from Thailand, several ministers and parliamentarians.

Meanwhile, prominent national singer Mr. Ram Krishna Dhakal as well as Kunti Moktan and a youthful singing group performed a variety of songs and ethnic dances in the hall before the main event began. The audience enjoyed the cultural program very much.

The main program started with the introduction of the master of ceremonies, Dr. Thomas G. Walsh, Secretary General of UPF International. The invocation was given by a Hindu religious leader, Prof. Gopi Nath Sharma, followed by the holy wine ceremony. Welcoming remarks were given by Rt. Hon. Subash Chandra Nembang, who expressed his confidence that Mother Moon’s visit and her peace address will contribute toward permanent peace in Nepal. On behalf of UPF Chair Dr. Chung Hwan Kwak, Dr. Christopher B. W. Kim, chair of UPF-Asia, gave special welcome remarks.

The Founder’s Address was presented by Dr. Hyun Jin Moon, who greeted all the audience with such a beautiful smile and warm heart. He said: "Nation of Nepal, take extra efforts to welcome me and my mother not as guests but as members of your extended family. As a son of a man who has accomplished so much for the world, I cannot say how much of an honor it is for me to read the message that he has worked tirelessly throughout his whole life to spread to the rest of the world. This message given to him by God is a message of hope and liberation. I pray that you can listen to it with an open mind and heart and take this envisioned ideal as your own. You can be the hope and become light not only to Asia but throughout the world."

After the video presentation “Blessed Family and the Ideal of Peace,” Mother Moon was warmly welcomed on stage by the audience of 1500 distinguished guests.

A significant donation of $50,000 was presented to benefit Nepalese children affected by conflict. As representatives of Ambassadors for Peace of Nepal, Dr. Suresh Raj Sharma and Dr. Kamal Krishna Joshi, former vice chancellor of Tribhuvan University, received the donation. This financial support will play an important role in taking care of children orphaned or impoverished due to violence during the past decade of political conflict in Nepal.

Twelve representative couples were invited on stage for prayer for the blessing of marriage. A special gift of Nepalese handicraft was presented by Rt. Hon. Subash Chandra Nembang. Dr. Walsh conducted the entire program effectively, and it was recorded live and broadcast by Nepal Television to millions of people who watched the program at their homes and offices.

Thus, June 1, 2006, is a historical day for Nepal and all peace-loving Nepalese people, for the nation was truly blessed with tremendous blessings of God and True Parents.

Early the next morning, with Mr. Jin Man Kwak translating, Mother Moon mentioned the children's choir, which sang with such heart-felt excitement. She commented on their youth and gave them the name “Pal Hak.” She asked them to include children of various religious backgrounds.

Dr. Kim explained that the Himalayan Mountains are known throughout the world as a sacred place. From Nepal, the peace tour entourage would continue on to India, the source of many of the world's great religions, which unfortunately exist in conflict with each other and are in need of a mediator. The Himalayan nation of Nepal has a great environment, where people love nature and are prepared to embrace not only nature but all humanity.

Breakfast was served to about 500 people who came for the early morning meeting before the entourage left for the airport and a flight to New Delhi.

Tour II 2006 Speeches
God’s Ideal Family and the Kingdom of the Peaceful, Ideal World
God's Model Ideal Family and Nation, and the Peace Kingdom
The True Owners in Establishing the Kingdom of Peace and Unity in Heaven and on Earth
Mongolian Peoples’ Federation for World Peace: Universal Values, Best Practices and World Peace
The Rally of the Association of Unified Korean Clans to Save the Homeland of Universal Peace
Chairman's Address




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