February 23, 2025

Flag of CameroonCameroon: Former Minister Welcomes Tour

Dr. Thomas G. Walsh, UPF Secretary General
Yaounde, Cameroon
July 25, 2006

Mother Moon and Hyo Jin Moon arrived in Yaounde, Cameroon mid-morning, from Cotonou, Benin. Cameroon is about 75% French speaking and 25% English speaking. The Main Event was held on the Palais de Congres, a beautiful large hall set high on a hill in Yaounde. 1100 people attended, including 17 members of parliament, several tribal kings [Fons] and leading figures in Cameroon society.

Hon. Francis Nkwain, former Minister and head of the Ambassadors for Peace association of Cameroon, gave the welcoming address. He mentioned that Cameroon was a nation dedicated to peace, but that it needed UPF’s vision to fulfill its dream of peace and co-prosperity.

Hon. Dr. Ayuk, Arrey Peter (MP) National Assembly, Cameroon:

What pleases me most is that world leaders are focusing on peace. However, world leaders have no clear strategy or method. That is exactly what UPF has. Not with weapons or guns, but with true love and living for the sake of others; these are the mighty weapons that defeat empires. When I read about Iraq and the Middle East, I fear we have truly lost our way in this world. However, if we follow UPF, there will be no war and we will learn to live in peace. I will try my best to promote these ideas in our national assembly, in our schools, etc.

Francoise Foning, Minister of Territorial Administration and Decentralization:

 I thank Mother Moon for coming to Cameroon with this message of peace. You are in a peaceful country; in this room are many people from different parties, but we all live in peace together. I am so happy to be an Ambassador For Peace and will move to the top of this nation with this vision.

Archbishop Tang, Church of the Byzantine Rite:

We have learned a special way to peace through Dr. Sun Myung Moon. His teachings are the same as the core, backbone teachings of the African worldview. We see ourselves as one through his message. We are overwhelmed by these words and see heaven opening up for us. We will spread this news. We can only establish a true lineage when we connect to God.

Hon. Catherine Eposi Meboka, Cameroon National Assembly

This message is exactly what we need in this country. Before I go to bed tonight I am going to read that speech again. I can now see that women are part of the true form of God! Her very presence is raising up women in Cameroon to a high level. I only want one thing: more copies of the speeches, to distribute to others.

Hon. Boulou Nguig: National MP

We will spread this news widely. Some of my colleagues feared the UPF and thought this meeting was all about conversion to a religion. We know clearly now that this is not true. I will explain this to my colleagues in the national assembly. This is a movement for peace.

Hon. Minister Nkwain

I am so moved by this day. From tonight’s testimonies Rev. Kwak should be assured that UPF is alive and well in Cameroon. We are committed. In the past there were so many with a prejudicial view of this movement, but this is changing, and July 24 is a day of new beginning, a new start.



Tour II 2006 Speeches
God’s Ideal Family and the Kingdom of the Peaceful, Ideal World
God's Model Ideal Family and Nation, and the Peace Kingdom
The True Owners in Establishing the Kingdom of Peace and Unity in Heaven and on Earth
Mongolian Peoples’ Federation for World Peace: Universal Values, Best Practices and World Peace
The Rally of the Association of Unified Korean Clans to Save the Homeland of Universal Peace
Chairman's Address




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