January 31, 2025
Peace Tour III

St. Lucia

December 8, 2006

We received two clergy leaders from America representing Father and Mother Moon in this Fourth World Peace Tour.

On the first evening, in Castries, the capital city of St. Lucia, Dr. Damon Roach from the First Missionary Baptist Church of Indianapolis, Indiana, gave a strong testimony of his cooperation with Father Moon. He said: “In America, Rev. Moon is the only one who spends all his resources to bring Christians from all denominations to work together.”

Dr. Roach sharing his experience in the World Tour

Ambassadors for Peace present gifts

Commenting on his recent World Peace Tour, he added: “In 40 days going around the world, I learned more than in 30 years of preaching in America.”

After a video introduction on UPF, Dr. Roach read Father Moon’s speech like it was his own message. It was so lively that everybody didn’t want to miss even one sentence.

On the next morning, there was a small meeting with pastors. Dr Roach shared his experience with Father Moon; he testified how Father Moon had been unjustly persecuted in America. Today Father Moon is recognized for the strong families that his followers are successfully building, even having three generations working together. He admires the way Rev. Moon can inspire young people today to keep sexual purity before marriage.

Dr. Roach testifying of Father Moon to local pastors

Mon Repos meeting

In the evening, the event was held in the Elementary School of Mon Repos. Ms. Juanita Fuller-Scott gave her testimony as an Ambassador for Peace and then read Father Moon’s speech. Later on, Dr. Roach shared his experience and encouraged everyone to learn from Rev. Moon’s vision.

Several participants regretted that a conference of such high level was not attended by more people because of the nation’s excitement over the general elections two days earlier for the next government.

We are grateful to Father Moon for sending these two ACLC ministers to St. Lucia, it was a great blessing for our nation.






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