March 09, 2025
Peace Tour III


November 28, 2006

The Philippines received a great blessing and a challenge when the holding of 120 simultaneous peace rallies as part of the 4th World Peace Tours was announced. However, in the midst of the short period of time to prepare, Philippines sincerely fulfilled its contribution for the great leap towards the establishment of the eternal, ideal world of peace centering on the tour of the American Religious Ministers.

Peace Assemblies took place in 6 Regions of the Philippines, gathering together a total of 10,808 participants from Barangay Districts all in one day. In addition, a number of other significant events took place, including:
250 Churches Religious Peace Assemblies

On November 26, different churches in the Philippines had their Sunday Service and held the blessing and offering ceremony in conjunction with their service, as well as the reading of Father Moon’s Peace Message by the head pastor or Minister. Patriarch John Florentine Teruel, founder and Patriarch of the Apostolic Catholic Church, sent a memo to 200 of his churches, to conduct this ceremony instead of the regular Sunday Service. 50 other Protestant churches also conducted the Peace Assembly during their Sunday Service

A Visit to the Presidential Palace and the House of Representatives

The President of the Republic, H.E. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo kindly appointed Assistant Executive Secretary, Hon. Alberto Bernardo to meet us and to give us a tour of the newly constructed Museum inside of the Malacanang Palace. The head of the Museum guided us through the historical site, which was the seat of power since the Spanish era, which lasted 400 years. Each room represented an era, and the tour guide took us through the Japanese era, the American era and the revolutionary period, leading to Philippine independence. Our delegation could understand the deep suffering of the Filipino people during the periods of colonization.

In the Museum proper Speaker Jose de Venecia introduced the resolution at the United Nations calling for interfaith dialogue within the UN system. He praised the work of UPF and, on behalf of the President, encouraged us to further our work for peacemaking, representing the civil society. Gifts from the President were given to each of the delegates.

In the afternoon, the delegation visited Speaker Jose de Venecia, at the House of Representatives. When Father Moon called for an Inter-religious Council in the United Nations, it was Speaker de Venecia who said that he would take on the responsibility to introduce this Council at the UN Assembly. The Speaker explained in detail that he combined three groups in one powerful resolution this year, in order to introduce a unit at the UN Assembly. He combined inter-religious dialogue, intercultural dialogue and inter-civilizational dialogue. If a council is introduced, the charter needs to be amended, so the Speaker introduced a unit, which needs no amendment to the charter. There is a merger of three forces, and the Speaker is hopeful that this resolution will be approved before December. Speaker De Venecia encouraged the UPF to include an anti-poverty dimension to its work.

Archbishop Stallings ended the courtesy call with his reflections on his visit to the Speaker’s Office. He said that the visit to the Philippines was the highlight of the Minister’s tour, as they discover the valuable elements present in the Philippines which can be like a lighthouse for the world. In most countries, a politician would never utter the word “God” in the Congress, and yet, the Speaker is courageous to center his policies and his work on “God” and spirituality. The delegation has been deeply impressed and felt honored to have had the chance to hear the insights of Speaker de Venecia.

Open Forum with El Shaddai Movement

The UPF Ambassadors for Peace had the rare opportunity to have an Open Forum with the top leaders of the El Shaddai Movement, a Catholic Charismatic movement with over 10 million adherents in the Philippines. Brother Rey Varga, El Shaddai Director of Education explained the beginnings of the movement and its founder, Brother Mike Velarde, who began with a radio ministry.

8 World Peace Assemblies in Philippines

Apostolic Catholic Church – Archbishop George A. Stallings
In Jade Valley, the atmosphere was very holy as the main hall was filled with white clad bishops, priests, nuns and lay leaders from the Apostolic Catholic Church, led by their founding Patriarch John Florentine Teruel, who was the event Chairman in Jade Valley. Several VIP’s from different sectors of the society where also present in the event, which includes bishops, priests, pastors from different religious groups, government officials, 4 university presidents and several school officials, socio-civic leaders and students leaders mainly from Polytechnic University of the Philippines and leaders of W-CARP. A total of around 2,000 guests participated in the event.

Dr. Christopher B.H. Kim, the Ctinental Director of UPF in Asia, gave the opening Remarks. Patriarch John Florentine Teruel of the Apostolic Catholic Church gave very cordial Welcome Remarks. Dr. Chang Shik Yang, the Continental Director for North America delivered the Congratulatory Address, stressing the role of America in God’s Providence and what Dr. and Mrs. Moon, the founders of UPF, are actively doing to achieve a peaceful world.

The highlight of the event was the Keynote Address of Archbishop George Augustus Stallings, Jr., one of the moving forces behind the American Clergy Leadership Conference. He was very vibrant and full of dynamism as he engaged the audience with his testimony on True Parents mission, the UPF, and his transformation. For more than an hour, Archbishop Stallings delivered a very powerful and sincere speech, which really made the audience spell-bound, as he emphasized so much on the importance of family and lineage, which had particular impact on his thinking as a man of God.

He challenged the priests and bishops present by asking, “Who will inherit your God-given mission and vocation if you don’t have children? Who will receive your legacy and continue your important work for God? It should be your children and your children’s children. That is why lineage is very important. That is why I was finally convinced by Rev. Moon to receive the Blessing and get married.”

Armed Forces of the Philippines – Ms. Carolyn Sampson
Ms. Carolyn Sampson, Head of the Martin Luther King Task Force, spoke to an overflow crowd of more than 550 distinguished members of the Armed Forces community at Camp Aguinaldo, Armed Forces of the Philippines. The host of the event was Commanding General Cayton, supported by General Magno, Head Chaplain, and seven top Generals. 70 AFP officers, along with AFP community members were in the audience.

General Cayton is a very righteous individual, and invited his wife and children, to stand in the front of the hall, so that his family would be a model for the rest of the Armed Forces personnel. It is not an easy thing to hold this kind of holy event in the military camp; however, General Cayton was able to organize it even on short notice.

Systems Plus Computer College- Dr. Atiba Vidato-Haupt
The program was held before an audience of 200 students, members of the faculty and staff, and some parents attending the event. Mrs. Lucita Cruz, Assistant to the Dean of Systems Plus Computer College gave the Opening Remarks and formally welcomed Dr. Atiba Vidato to their Institution.

Mrs. Lucita Cruz also read the Chairman’s Address. The main program was formally opened with an Invocation delivered by Rev. Prince Acosta and the singing of the Philippine National Anthem. Dr. Atiba Vidato read the Keynote Speech to a very attentive audience. Mrs. Cruz thanked UPF and expressed her feelings that their school was especially blessed because of the event.

Cavite- Bishop Henry Coaxum
It was indeed a great blessing for all Caviteños to receive and welcome a man of God, Bishop Henry Coaxum, who came to the Philippines and to the province of Cavite, to bring the message of peace. The Honorable Mayor Melencio de Sagunand and Vice Mayor of Trece Martires city led the Caviteños to warmly welcome the guest speaker.

The Bishop delivered his powerful message and moving testimony on how God called him out of his church to follow God’s command and join the world tour in order to spread the message of the UPF. He was so articulate in speaking from the heart, which captured and moved the minds and the hearts of the audience. They were so moved by Bishop Henry’s spirit, passion and power when he delivered his message.

The program ended by singing holy song of thanks to God. The Bishop awarded Ambassador for Peace awards to the mayor and vice mayor of Dasmariñas, Cavite and Dr. Salazar, a well-known educator of Trece Martires City. The mayor of TMC and his wife presented the gifts of thanks and gratitude to Bishop Henry Coaxum for his great message.

To conclude the program, Hon. Vice Mayor Alvin Mojica gave very inspiring closing remarks. The Bishop was moved by his sincerity as a top government official, and he advised the mayor to create an interfaith dialogue, working with religious leaders to address the common problems in the society. He advised the Mayor to initiate a breakfast meeting among different religious ministers to discuss common issues and problems, breaking down boundaries and work together to build an ideal model society.

Cabanatuan- Archbishop Alfred Adelekan
The 4th World Peace Tour took place in San Jose City, Cabanatuan, before an audience of 310 participants, composed of leaders from the local government, religious sector and academe. The Keynote Speaker Archbishop Alfred Adelekan was welcomed by the Drum and Lyre Band and was escorted by city police. Pastor Jojo Dizon and Immam Said Polangi read the Universal Prayer, followed by Mayor Alexander Belena, who delivered very inspiring Opening Remarks, expressing sincere gratitude for this historic event.

After the rendition of very uplifting songs by the CLSU University Koro, a World Peace Blessing ceremony was conducted, officiated by Wency and Jacy Manabat Chairman Atty. Ruperto T. Sampoleo, former university vice present, read the Chairman’s address. The imposing words of Archbishop Alfred Adelekan added more strength to the even more powerful speech of True Parents. Dr. Zenaida M. Serna, Dean of the Student Affairs, CLSU, delivered the closing remarks, by acknowledging the amazing goals, vision and accomplishments of the Universal Peace Federation.

Dumaguete – Minister Emma Loftin

Event at the Negros Oriental State University
The program in Dumaguete City at Negros Oriental State University coincided with the 79th Founder’s Day Celebration of the university. The main program began with the Universal Prayer, read by the National Police Provincial Director Senior Superintendent Omar G. Buenafe.

Dr. Henry Sojor President of the Negros Oriental State University acknowledged the accomplishments of some of CARP student leaders who rose from poverty to success, and talked about living for the sake of others to live in happiness. Officiators for the Holy Wine, Holy Water and Offering Ceremonies were Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Garbanzos, of Bacolod City.

The Vice- Mayor of Dumaguete City , Honorable William Ablong read the Chairman’s Address. Before he proceeded to read the address, he explained to the audience what the city had been doing to contribute to peace building, in line with our movement’s cause. He was very sincere and exhorted everyone to support the cause of peace.

Guest of Honor and Speaker was Minister Emma J. Loftin. She founded the Kingdom of Heaven Within Ministry in New York , U.S.A. She started by sharing that she lived a few miles away from Dr. and Mrs. Moon’s residence, and knew of the persecution that they had to go through. Even though she was not part of the persecution, she felt she was part of the crime since she didn’t speak up against it. Then she proceeded into apologizing for not having stood up during those years.

Minister Emma Loftin is a very passionate speaker. She read the speech as if it was her own. She emphasized statements and phrases that were critical. She made a 100% bond with the audience. The atmosphere as she spoke was electric and God’s presence engulfed the participants.

The Ambassador for Peace Awardees were PNP Provincial Director Police Senior Superintendent Omar G. Buenafe and Dumaguete Vice-Mayor Honorable William Ablong. Over lunch, Minister Loftin, Engr. Basuil and Visayas leaders all agreed that Dumaguete City has everything it needs to become an ideal city of peace.. By themselves, the local government officials have implemented policies and ordinances which make the city close to being a model city.

Sun Hwa Academy Antipolo City- Rev. Sylvia McConico

The Chairman of Sun Hwa Academy, General Honesto Bumanglag, retired Police General, gave Welcome Remarks and set the tone for the event by his testimonial about the work of True Parents in Antipolo city. Sun Hwa Academy is an international school of 150 students, officially operated by the Unification Movement, with moral values as the backbone of its curriculum. Extensive outreach has been done with the community, including the district officials, who attended this important historical event.

Tanay, Rizal-Rev. Marilyn Kotulek

Mayor Tanjuatco and his district officials fully sponsored the World Peace Tour for 300 participants in their government facility. The audience was composed of the Mayor, Counselors, District officials, professionals, academia and youth leaders. Rev. Marilyn Kotulek presented the Keynote Speech with depth of heart and feeling, as she testified about True Parents work to embrace all religions, going beyond dogma and nationality boundaries. She was very impressed with the peace efforts of Mayor Tanjuatco, who has already held numerous Peace Assemblies in his municipality, and adheres to the UPF principles of interreligious dialogue and strengthening of the family. Mayor Tanjuatco praised the work of UPF in setting up a training center in Tanay, where family values seminars for professionals, government officials, youth leaders and women have been ongoing during the past two years.

The participants of Peace Tour included:

  1. Archbishop Alfred A. Adelekan, Archbishop, House of Prayer, Wash. D.C.
  2. Msgr. Gildo Arcel, Apostolic Catholic Church
  3. Bro. Ernie Burdeos, Executive Director, Catholic Charismatic Renewal
  4. Bishop Henry Coaxum, Pastor, Church of God, Bronx, N.Y.
  5. Ms. Annette Dixon, Community Outreach Ministries, St. Bernadette Catholic Church, Evergreen Park, Illinois
  6. Mrs. Eugenia Kagawa, Regional Sec. Gen., UPF Asia
  7. Dr. Christopher B.H. Kim, Continental Director, UPF Asia
  8. Dr. Julia J. Kim, Continental Director, UPF Asia
  9. Rev. Marilyn Kotulek, President and Founder, Intl.White Eagle Ministry, Oklahoma City
  10. Mr. Jin Man Kwak, Special Assistant, Dr. Hyun Jin Moon
  11. Rev. Emma Loftin, Founder, Heaven Within, Yonders, New York
  12. Bishop Pedro T. Maglaya, President, IRFWP
  13. B.Gen. Florencio F. Magsino, ret.,Chairman, UM Steering Committee, Phils.
  14. Rev. Sylvia McConico, Minister, Temple of Universality, Tucson, Arizona
  15. Rev. Kenneth Owens, Pastor, FFWPU, Fort Lee, New Jersey
  16. Rev. Hideo Oyamada, Senior Advisor, UPF Japan
  17. Ms. Carolyn Sampson, President, Martin Luther King Jr. Task Force, North Carolina
  18. Archbishop George Augustus Stallings, Jr., Co-Convener, ACLC, Wash. D.C.
  19. Patriarch John Florentine Teruel, Founder, Apostolic Catholic Church
  20. Dr. Atiba Vidato-Haupt, Director, Arts Center, Washington D.C.
  21. Dr. Yang Chang Shik, Continental Director, UPF U.S.A.
  22. Mr. Michael Zablan, National Leader, UPF Philippines

A symposium on the topic of “The Role of True Parents in Inter-religious Dialogue and Peace building” became a watershed for peace and reconciliation, as the international Ministers testified and shared deeply with Filipino Bishops, pastors and priests about Father and Mother Moon’s intention in organizing the 120 Ministers’ World Peace Tour.

Bishop Pedro T. Maglaya, Chairman of IRFWP Philippines, warmly welcomed the international Ministers, and gave a brief history of the work instilling family values to strengthen families in the different Filipino communities. General Florencio F. Magsino testified about the 4 previous tours of Father and Mother Moon, propagating family and peace in the Philippines. He particularly touched upon the impact Father Moon has had in turning around historical events towards peace in Berlin, Russia, and North Korea.

Reverend Hideo Oyamada, as a Unification Minister, with strong Christian background, gave his testimony about his long search to find the truth about Jesus Christ, culminating in his joining the Unification Movement. “Reverend Moon is not changing anyone’s faith, but elevating it,” he said.

The foreign ministers and Ambassadors for Peace took the opportunity to give their reflections about Reverend Moon and the 120 city tour.

Bishop Henry Coaxum – As a spirit-filled religious leader, the Bishop testified about being guided all his life by the voice of God, culminating in God’s direction to join the World Peace Tour. God even directly told him to set aside financial concerns and join God’s work for peace.

Archbishop A. Adelekan – Archbishop was also directly guided by the voice of God, who asked him to give up his profession in Nigeria, and again in Washington D.C. in order to “Go and do My Work”. He testified to God’s calling in his life to support the ACLC work of Father Moon and affirms the peace work of the tour as the unification of religions, including Christians and Muslims, which is coming from God himself.

Sister Annette Dixon – A Catholic sister who is doing Community Outreach Ministries for the Catholic Church. She is attracted to the emphasis of our work of strengthening families.

Rev. Marilyn Kotulek - has been working for reconciliation and healing all her life. Because she believes that the shedding of innocent blood causes a curse, she devoted her life to bringing reconciliation with Black Americans and Indians through repentance and the healing of the American forefathers’ mistakes

Rev. Carolyn Sampson - Rev. Carolyn is the Director of a Martin Luther King Task Force in North Carolina. “Father Moon is my hero, as he puts his money where his mouth is. UPF is a great big family, with a common ground of unity, she said.

Pastor Ken Owens – Since 1973, Pastor Owen has been photographer for Father Moon and has seen so many changes in America since Father Moon began his peace work with Ministers. Ambassadors for Peace can understand God’s heart as never before, especially with Father Moon’s additional vision of 3 generations. He looks forward to great changes in the world with the work of the Ministers.

Rev. Emma Loftin - As a pastor who lives in Tarrytown, close to the residence of Father Moon, she saw the persecution of Father Moon, but never defended him and kept silent. In Africa, many ministers felt they could reconnect with their ancestors in Africa and ask for forgiveness. Black Americans know what it is like to be a wounded pillar. In Africa, Rev. Emma asked God to clean her up and to remove whatever He doesn’t like about her.

With burning hearts, the Filipino pastors shared their appreciations, and testified about Reverend Moon’s work in their lives. It was a well-known TV personality, Atty. Villegas, Host of the Crime Watch TV Program, who created the watershed of peace and reconciliation among the international and Filipino Ministers. He is the grandson of a famous national hero who became the 2nd President of the liberated Philippine Republic. On behalf of the feelings of many Filipinos, with passion and agony of the heart, he expressed that in the Philippine-American War, there were 400,000 Philippine casualties, worse than the Viet Nam war or the Iraq War. The government erased this history, and forgot this savage war. He expressed the agonized heart of the oppressed Filipinos during these wars, and sees Reverend Moon as the only person who has succeeded in digging back to this kind of past injustices and reconciling and healing them.

The program ended with the issuing of Ambassador for Peace awards, and a brotherhood ceremony between the international Ministers and Filipino Bishops and Pastors. After lunch, the beauty of fellowship and bonding between churches ensued.






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