December 17, 2006
UPF Argentina
“During the last 45 days I had the privilege to be the heart, the feet, the hands and the mouth of Rev. (Sun Myung) Moon”, says Pastor Andre Jackson, of the Communitarian Church of Carriage Hills in California, one of the 120 leaders taking on the commitment to travel the world as part of a Tour, that leads them through 120 nations and which is organized by the Universal Peace Federation.

Audience in Buenos Aires |

Andre Jackson & Pastor Carlos Torres |
“The Rev. Moon is my friend. I don’t see him as a businessman or an entrepreneur. He feelings about the contents of the peace message, giving rise to various rounds of applause in an assembly filled with various representatives of diverse religious traditions, who all found their way to the Dr. Juan Jesus Blasnik Auditorium at the Peace Embassy in Buenos Aires, reaffirming once more that the family is the foundation to establish social, national and world peace.
Pastor Andre Jackson was accompanied by Pastor Carlos Torres, of the St. John Lutheran Church of California, who participated in a similar event at the headquarters of the Family Federation, where the event was celebrated with songs, testimonies and a ceremony to leave all resentments behind, a celebration of renewal of the marriage vows and the already traditional naming of different society leaders as Peace Ambassadors.

New Ambassadors for Peace in Buenos Aires |
The Event was opened with a prayer by Monseñor Alfredo Montrezza, General Latin American Chaplain of the Slavian Orthodox Church in Belarus and the actual President of the Argentinean Parliament of Religions (PAR). After that, National Congressman Alberto Stecco was among those, who gave their recognitions for this Event. Some of those, who shared their opinions, was Lic. Juan Pablo Rey Horán, a young orthodox Priest with post grade studies in psychology at UCLA, Olga Beatriz Lotito, President of the Public Juan Domingo Perón Library, Dr. Jose Dominguez, who has an extensive social agenda in Africa and other South American countries; Prof. Maria Cristina Bringas, ex Coordinator of Caritas on the National level; and the retired Colonel Esteban Alberto Solis, who worked peace missions for the UN in the Middle East, Egypt, Syria and Israel.
“This Event was full of beautiful things”, was what Julia Giraldez, on of the distinguished Peace Ambassadors, had to say, “because (they are) working very much for the peace we need so desperately in this world.” And she continued “…all of this abundance of love sent by God and (I’m grateful) mostly for the blessing of the Pastor coming in the name of Rev. Moon”. She shared at the meeting just how she could recuperate from hemiplegics and that at this stage she is helping epileptic children of the Jesus of Nazareth Home and is coordinating the Commission for Handicapped Citizens of the Civil Society in the Chancellery of Argentina.
“Not everybody understands the person of Moon, if you have never read anything by him.” (…) He explains, “that there is a distinct change, by which you can reach love, peace etc. and a reform in the family”, is the position that Professor Alberto Abraham Szwarc maintained, “This activity, as an activity, is excellent. People need to feel, that they are important for something, the awarding of the (Peace Ambassadors) diplomas is really great. Nobody has to give a donation to receive this diploma, they receive it for something, they are already doing”, was the opinion of the Inter-institutional Secretary of the Argentinean Federation of Collectivities.