November 16, 2006
Eight American clergy arrived in Angola on November 15 by plane from South Africa. A delegation of more than 50 persons were waiting for them at the airport, including the Family Federation for World Peace chorus and members of the Win the World Prophetic Church, founded by the prophet George Lino “Enoch." Prophet Enoch showed great hospitality and hosted the main rally on November 16, which was attended by 3,865 people.
Prophet Enoch, originally from the Methodist Church, received a revelation in 1991 about promoting purity and overcoming evil spirits. Over the past 15 years, his church has gained 150,000 members throughout the nation, and they are involved in various social service projects. Members of the Women’s Federation for World Peace have had ongoing contact with him. Forty days previously, he received a vision that his church would host a big event, and he arranged for the large gathering to be held outdoors near the construction site where their 15-story headquarters is being built.
The following day, meetings were held in two more places. The rally at the Pentecostal Congregation of Angola was attended by 70 people. Mr. Hideo Oyamada led the gathering at the Family Federation for World Peace hall, which was attended by 150 people. Eight events had been planned, but six were canceled due to a shortage of translators.
The American clergy visited a museum at the site where Angolans were held before being sent to Brazil and the USA a long time ago. The US Ambassador to Angola welcomed them to the American embassy for a briefing on the country’s economic, political and social conditions.