April 25, 2024


September 29-30, 2006

Full Report and Photos(PDF)

Mother at the Parliament Building

The First Lady of Uruguay, Mrs. Maria Auxiliadora de Vazquez, welcomed True Mother to the Uruguayan Parliament Building (Palacio Legislativo), and  they had a meeting before the program. The First Lady also attended the whole program and gave a historical painting to True Mother as a present at the end.  Senator Julio Lara gave the opening remarks about the importance of bringing the message of family and peace to Uruguay. In the magnificent hall, Salon de los Pasos Perdidos, that is located between the two  chambers for the Senate and the Congress, Mother delivered her speech in Korean. At the end of her speech, she gave a special message from Father to Uruguay.

Uruguay National Garden

Dr. Kook-Jin Moon was welcomed to the “Uruguay National Garden”  –  our Peace Embassy  –  by our young members of CARP and STF. They were responsible to organize on their own the event that gathered about 80 people.










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